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The power to speak out the effect of legitimate and illegitimate power on confrontations of prejudice

The power to speak out the effect of legitimate and illegitimate power on confrontations of prejudice
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
I. Introduction
A. Prejudice
a. Types of prejudice
b. Inevitability of prejudice
c. Effects of prejudice for targets
B. Confrontations of Prejudice
a. Self-regulation and confrontations
b. Do people confront?
c. Why don’t people confront?
1. Social costs of confrontations
2. Social disapproval
3. Multiple steps necessary
d. Benefits to confronting
1. Prejudice reduction in perpetrators
2. Fulfillment of targets’ self-expectations
e. Costs of not confronting
1. Negative affect
2. Rationalization of bias
3. False consensus
4. Other targets’ definition of the situation
C. Power
a. What is power?
b. Power across disciplines
1. Connections to social psychological theories
2. Minority influence
c. Power and action
1. Mechanisms behind power’s effect on actions
d. Legitimate power
1. Early experimental research on legitimacy
2. Power and legitimacy interaction
i. Power x Legitimacy’s effect on goal pursuits
e. Power’s impact on control
1. Possible connection between control and legitimacy
D. Discrete Emotions
II. Purpose of the Present Studies
III. Hypotheses
A. Hypothesis 1: Power Increases Confrontation Behavior
B. Hypothesis 2: Power and Legitimacy of Power Will Interact to Determine Confrontation Behavior
a. Hypothesis 2a: Legitimate power increases confrontation behavior
b. Hypothesis 2b: Illegitimate powerlessness can also increase confrontations
C. Hypothesis 3: Legitimacy Awareness Impacts the Effect of Legitimacy
IV. Proposed Mechanisms
A. Proposed Mechanism 1: Perceived Control Mediates the Power x Legitimacy Interaction
B. Proposed Mechanism 2: Discrete Emotions Mediate the Power x Legitimacy Interaction
a. Proposed Mechanism 2a: Pride mediates confrontation rates for legitimate power individuals
b. Proposed Mechanism 2b: Anger mediates confrontation rates for illegitimate powerless individuals
V. Pilot Study Method
A. Participants and Design
B. Procedure
a. Cover story
b. Leadership Questionnaire
1. Power condition
2. Powerless condition
c. Biographical Questionnaire
d. Deserted Island Task
C. Measures
a. Quantitative confrontation scale
b. Confrontation coding of qualitative responses
c. Funnel debrief
VI. Pilot Study Results
VII. Study 1 Methods
A. Participants and Design
B. Procedure
a. Additions to Study 1
1. Alterations to position titles
2. Power manipulation
3. Legitimacy manipulation
i. Legitimate conditions
ii. Illegitimate conditions
C. Measures
a. Leadership Questionnaire
b. Quantitative confrontation
c. Confrontation coding of qualitative responses
d. Affective coding of qualitative responses
e. Perceived control items
f. Discrete emotion items
g. Power manipulation check item
h. Legitimacy manipulation check items
VIII. Study 1 Results
A. Manipulation Check Items
a. Power manipulation check
b. Legitimacy manipulation checks
B. Tests of Hypotheses 1 and 2
a. Composite coding variable
b. Within-subjects effects
c. Hypothesis 1
d. Hypothesis 2
1. Hypothesis 2a
2. Hypothesis 2b
C. Log Transformation of Variables
D. Univariate Tests
a. Quantitative confrontation variable
b. Confrontation coding variable
c. Affect coding variable
E. Tests of Proposed Mechanisms
a. Mediational analysis 1: Does perceived control mediate legitimacy’s effect on confrontation behavior?
1. Step 1: Legitimacy should predict confrontation rates
2. Step 2: Legitimacy should predict perceived control
3. Step 3. Perceived control should predict confrontation rates
4. Step 4: Legitimacy’s effect on confrontation rates should be mediated by perceived control
5. Perceived control bootstrapping
b. Mediational analysis 2: Do discrete emotions mediate legitimacy’s effect on confrontation behavior?
1. Step 1: Legitimacy should predict confrontation rates
2. Step 2: Legitimacy should predict discrete emotions
3. Step 3. Discrete emotions should predict confrontation rates
4. Step 4: Legitimacy’s effect on confrontation rates should be mediated by discrete emotions
5. Discrete emotions bootstrapping
IX. Study 1 Discussion
X. Study 2 Methods
A. Participants and Design
B. Procedure
a. Study 2 additions
1. Confederate actor
2. Legitimacy awareness manipulation
b. Legitimacy manipulation
c. Deserted Island Task
C. Measures
a. Leadership Questionnaire
b. Confrontation coding of responses
c. Affective coding of responses
d. Eye roll coding of physical responses.
e. Legitimacy awareness manipulation check items
f. Legitimacy manipulation check items
XI. Study 2 Results
A. Manipulation Check Items
a. Legitimacy awareness manipulation check
b. Legitimacy manipulation checks
B. Tests of Hypotheses 2b and 3
a. Composite coding variable
b. Within-subjects effects
c. Hypothesis 2b
d. Hypothesis 3
C. Log Transformation of Variables
D. Univariate Tests
a. Confrontation coding variable
b. Affect coding variable
c. Eye roll coding variable
XII. Study 2 Discussion
XIII. General Discussion
A. Background of Current Research
B. Hypotheses
a. Hypothesis 1
b. Hypothesis 2
c. Hypothesis 3
d. Mediators
C. Research Findings
a. Study 1
1. Hypotheses
2. Mediation results
b. Study 2
1. Hypotheses
D. Summary of Results
a. Power
b. Legitimacy
c. Mediators
d. Legitimacy awareness
E. Confrontation Literature
a. Legitimacy of power
1. Perceived control mediation
2. Discrete emotions
F. Power Literature
a. Legitimacy of power
b. Power
1. Design issue?
2. Motivational issue?
3. Recency effect?
4. No actual effect?
c. Mediation
d. Legitimacy awareness
G. Limitations and Future Directions
a. Sample generalizability
1. Age
2. Culture
b. Moderators
c. Applicability to other domains
d. Applicability to real-life situations
XIV. Conclusion
A. Experimenter Script, Pilot Study
B. Leadership Questionnaire
C. Computer-based Confederate Script
D. Deserted Island Task Sheet (Computer Version)
E. Funnel Debrief
F. Experimenter Script, Study 1
G. Perceived Control Scale, Study 1
H. Discrete Emotion Scale, Study 1
I. Experimenter Script, Study 2
J. Filler Passage, Study 2
K. Legitimacy Awareness Passage, Study 2
L. Control Passage, Study 2
M. Deserted Island Sheet, Study 2
N. Confederate Script, Study 2 

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