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The relationship between school mobility and the acquisition of early literacy skills

The relationship between school mobility and the acquisition of early literacy skills
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
List of Abbreviations
I. Introduction
A. Introduction
B. Statement of the Problem
C. Historical Overview
D. Rationale
E. Student Mobility and Title I of the No Child Left Behind Act
F. Significance of the Problem
G. Purpose of the Study
H. Research Questions
I. Limitations, Delimitations and Assumptions
J. Definition of Terms
K. Organization of the Study
II. Review of Literature
A. Historical Overview of Research on Student Mobility
B. Prevalence of Mobility
C. Family Stressors Caused by Mobility
D. Mobility and Poverty
E. Mobility and Academic Performance
F. Types of Moves
G. Homelessness
H. Children of Migrant Workers
I. Displaced Children
J. Department of Defense Education Agency Schools
K. Mobility and Student Behavior: The Effects on Academic Achievement and Performance
L. Definition of High Mobility
M. Frequent Mobility and the Acquisition of Basic Early Literacy Skills
N. New Research Focus
O. Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills Next
P. Conclusion
III. Methodology
A. Research Background
B. Sample Selection
C. Definition
D. Research Design
E. Measures
a. Independent Variable
b. Dependent Variables
F. Research Questions
G. Hypotheses
H. Data Analysis
I. Sample Size Justification
J. Instrument Selection
K. Controls for Confounding Variables
L. Data Collection Procedures
M. Summary
IV. Results
A. Introduction
B. Descriptive Statistics
C. Hypothesis Test Results
a. Results for Research Question 1
b. Results for Research Question 2
c. Results for Research Question 3
d. Results for Research Question 4
e. Results for Research Question 5
D. Exploratory Analysis
F. Summary
V. Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations
A. Summary of the Problem
B. Purpose of the Study
C. Summary of the Sample
D. Summary of the Research Findings
a. Frequent Mobility During the Early Years Impacts Students' Reading Comprehension
b. Frequent Mobility Negatively Affects Student Achievement, Independent of Socio-economic Level
E. Recommendations for the School District 116
a. The DODEA Schools
b. Schools Receiving Refugees from Natural Disasters
c. Diagnostic Assessment
F. Recommendations for School Policy Makers
G. Recommendations for Further Research
H. Conclusions
A. Frequency Tables for all Variables
a. School
b. Mobility Status
c. Socioeconomic Status
e. Gender
B. Permission to Use Urban Northwest Ohio School District 

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