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Using visual aids in the secondary language classroom an action research study on the use of illustrations during TPRS instruction

Using visual aids in the secondary language classroom an action research study on the use of illustrations during TPRS instruction
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
List of Abbreviations
I. Introduction
A. Statement of the Problem
B. Purpose of the Study
C. Justification for the Study
D. Delimitations
E. Limitations
F. Assumptions
G. Research Questions
H. Organization of the Thesis
II. Review of the Related Literature
A. The Natural Approach
B. Total Physical Response (TPR)
C. Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Story Telling (TPRS)
D. The Use of Visual Aids in L2 Classrooms
III. Methodology
A. Participants
B. Sample Groups
C. Variables
D. Collection of Data
E. Data Analysis
F. Instrumentation
a. Pretests
b. Short-Term Posttests
c. Long-Term Posttests
d. Video
G. Instruction
a. Planning and Preparation
b. Delivery of Instruction
IV. Data Analysis and Discussion
A. Quantitative Data Cycle One
a. Pretests Cycle One
b. Short-Term Posttests Cycle One
c. Long-Term Posttests Cycle One
d. Discussion of Cycle One Results
B. Quantitative Data Cycle Two
a. Pretests Cycle Two
b. Short-Term Posttests Cycle Two
c. Long-Term Posttests Cycle Two
d. Discussion of Cycle Two Results
C. Qualitative Data
a. Participant Responses Cycle One
b. Discussion
c. Participant Responses Cycle Two
d. Discussion
V. Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations
A. Summary of Findings
B. Conclusions
C. Recommendations
A. Pretest Cycle One
B. Short-Term Posttest Cycle One
C. Long-Term Posttest Cycle One
D. Story Cycle One
E. Video Data Cycle One
F. Pretest Cycle Two
G. Short-Term Posttest Cycle Two
H. Long-Term Posttest Cycle Two
I. Story Cycle Two
J. Video Data Cycle Two 

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