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Vegetation on riprapped shorelines implications for invertebrate communities and restoration of nearshore areas

Vegetation on riprapped shorelines implications for invertebrate communities and restoration of nearshore areas
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
1 Introduction
2 Methods
2.1 Field Survey
2.2 Lab Procedures
2.3 Statistical Analysis
3 Results
4 Discussion
A. Tables
B. Figures
C. Raw Data
Introduction: Human use of coastal areas for recreation, aesthetics, and industrial purposes is increasing (Postel and Carpenter, 1997) and in turn, is also leading to increasing alteration of shorelines (Christensen et al, 1996; Jennings et al, 1999; Beeton, 2002). Coastal armoring has been used for stabilization and reduction of shoreline erosion (Dean, 1986). However, structures such as riprap (a layer of multiple stone pieces) can also cause displacement of the supratidal zone, reduction of organic matter (Seitz, 2006), and, in rivers, promote fine sediment deposition (Fischenich, 2003), resulting in homogenizing conditions and consequently reducing biodiversity (Begon et al, 2006; Seitz, 2006; Sobocinski et al, 2010).

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