A framework for the study of the spread of English in Algeria a peaceful transition to a better linguistic environment

A framework for the study of the spread of English in Algeria a peaceful transition to a better linguistic environment
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
I. A History of Linguistic Diversity and the Policy of Arabization: Ancient History - The Present
A. Ancient History
B. The Medieval Period
C. 15th Century-1830
D. 1830-1962
E. 1962-The Present
a. Language Policy and Planning: Arabization
F. Research Questions and Objectives
II. Theoretical Considerations for a Framework for the Study of the Spread of English in Algeria
A. Introduction
B. The Status of Linguistic Rights in Algeria
C. Positive Peace: Building on Positive Attitudes Toward MSA, Algerian Arabic, English, French and Tamazight in Algeria
a. Positive Language Attitudes in Algeria
b. Some Theoretical Considerations to Build on Algerians‟ Positive Attitudes
D. Negative Peace: Addressing Negative Attitudes Toward MSA, Algerian Arabic, English, French and Tamazight in Algeria
a. Negative Language Attitudes in Algeria
b. Some Theoretical Considerations to Address Algerians‟ Negative Attitudes
III. Applying the Framework to Algeria‟s Linguistic Environment
A. Introduction
B. The Vai Model
C. Language Roles in Algeria Today
a. Roles of Arabic, English, French and Tamazight in Education (K-12 and Higher Education) K-12 Higher Education
b. Roles of Arabic, English, French and Tamazight in Business
c. Roles of Arabic, English, French and Tamazight in the Media
D. Future Roles Deethnicised English Should Play in Algeria
E. Assisting With the Spread of Deethnicised, Peace-Promoting, Form of English
a. U.S. Embassy and British Council Programs
b. Algerians‟ Bottom-up Initiatives
F. Analyses of Cases of the Spread of English in Europe: A Model for Algeria‟s Investigators of the Presence of English
a. Linguistic Human Rights in Europe: A Model of Analysis of the Status of These Rights in Algeria
b. Spain‟s Basque Country: A Model for the Analysis of Language Attitudes in a Multilingual Algeria
c. Turkey: A Language Policy Model for Algeria
d. A General Sociolinguistic Profile of English in Europe: The Ultimate Goal for a Comprehensive Analysis of the Spread of English in Algeria
IV. Conclusion