An evaluation of the emporium model as a tool for increasing student performance in developmental mathematics and college algebra
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An evaluation of the emporium model as a tool for increasing student performance in developmental mathematics and college algebra
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Tables
I. Introduction
A. Background of the Study
B. Statement of the Problem
C. Purpose of the Study
D. Significance of the Study
E. Conceptual and Theoretical Framework
F. Research Questions
G. Limitations
H. Delimitations
I. Organization of the Study
II. Literature Review
A. Introduction
B. History of the Community College
C. The Community College Mission
a. The Transfer Mission
b. The Vocational Education Mission
c. The Continuing/Lifelong Education Mission
d. Conclusion
D. The Cooling Out of the Community College Student
E. The Developmental Education Mission
a. The History of Developmental Education
b. Controversy Surrounding Developmental Education
c. The Cost of Developmental Education
d. Effectiveness of Developmental Education
e. Improving Developmental Education
F. Developmental Mathematics Education
a. Effectiveness of Developmental Mathematics Education
b. Improving Developmental Mathematics Education
G. Computer Assisted Instruction
a. Two Types of Computer-Assisted Instruction
b. Effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instruction
c. The Emporium Model
d. Conclusion
H. Conceptual and Theoretical Framework
a. Behaviorism and Programmed Instruction
b. Self-Regulation Theory
c. Personalized System of Instruction
d. Putting It All Together
I. Summary
III. Methodology
A. Introduction
B. Design of the Study
C. Selection of Participants
D. Data Collection
E. Data Analysis
a. Chi Square Analysis
b. Independent Samples t-Test
F. Summary
IV. Presentation and Analyses of Data
A. Introduction
B. Testing the Research Questions
a. Research Question One
i. Community College A
ii. Community College C
iii. Combined Analysis
b. Research Question Two
i. Community College A
ii. Community College B
iii. Community College C
iv. Combined Analysis
C. Summary
V. Summary, Discussion, and Conclusions
A. Introduction
B. Summary of the Study
C. Discussion of the Findings
a. Research Question One
i. Combined Analysis
ii. Individual Analysis
b. Research Question Two
i. Combined Analysis
ii. Individual Analysis
D. Implications for Practice
E. Implications for Theory
F. Recommendations for Further Research
G. Conclusions
ReferencesBài viết liên quan