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An examination of emergency contraception use by undergraduate college students in the Midwest using the integrated behavioral model

An examination of emergency contraception use by undergraduate college students in the Midwest using the integrated behavioral model
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
List of Abbreviations
List of Symbols
I. Introduction to Emergency Contraception
A. Unintended/Unplanned Pregnancies in the United States and in College Women in the United States
B. Consequences of Unintended/Unplanned Births in College-Age Women in the United States
C. Sexual Activity and Birth Control Practices in College Age Men and Women in the United States
D. Emergency Contraception (EC) Utilization by College-Age Women and Men in the United States
E. Introduction to Emergency Contraception
F. Mechanism of Action of Emergency Contraception
G. Criteria for Utilizing Emergency Contraception
H. Using the Integrated Behavioral Model
I. Emergency Contraception’s Impact on Healthy Campus 2020 Goals
J. Statement of the Problem
K. Purpose of the Study
L. Research Questions and Hypotheses
M. Definition of Terms
N. Delimitations of the Study
O. Limitations of the Study
P. Summary
II. Literature Review
A. Emergency Contraception Specifics
a. Emergency Contraception Explained
b. Mechanism of Action
c. When and How to Use Emergency Contraception
B. Emergency Contraception is not the Abortion Pill
C. Emergency Contraceptives Legalities and Ethics
D. Use of Emergency Contraception and Possible Problems
a. Awareness
b. Access
c. Advanced Provision
E. Health Care Providers and Emergency Contraception (physicians, nurses, pharmacists and others)
a. Provider Knowledge, Attitudes and Beliefs
b. Provider Practices
F. Emergency Contraception and Specific Populations
a. Adolescents and Teenagers
b. College Students
G. Emergency Contraception Counseling
H. The Integrated Behavioral Model
I. The Integrated Behavioral Model and Contraception
J. The Integrated Behavioral Model and Intention
K. Summary
III. Methods
A. Participants
a. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
B. Instrument
C. Construct Variables and Measurement
a. Experiential Attitude
b. Instrumental Attitude
c. Injunctive Norm
d. Descriptive Norm
e. Perceived Control
f. Self-Efficacy
D. Instrument Testing
E. Procedures
F. Data Analysis
G. Summary
IV. Results
A. Participant Selection and Response Rate
B. Participant Demographic Information
C. Sexual Education and Religious Beliefs of Participants
D. Student Knowledge about Emergency Contraception
E. Sexual Experiences and Emergency Contraceptive Use
F. Analyses of Integrated Behavioral Model Constructs
G. Summary
V. Conclusions
A. Summary
B. Failed to Be Rejected Hypotheses
C. Rejected Hypotheses
D. Discussion
a. Knowledge about Emergency Contraception
b. Experiential Attitudes toward Emergency Contraceptive Use
c. Instrumental Attitudes toward Emergency Contraceptive Use
d. Injunctive Norm Related to EC Use
e. Descriptive Norm Related to EC Use
f. Perceived Control Related to Emergency Contraceptive Use
g. Self-Efficacy Related to Emergency Contraceptive Use
h. The Integrated Behavioral Model and Predicting Intention
E. Limitations
F. Implications
G. Future Research
H. Summary
A. Initial Contact Letter to Faculty
B. Institutional Review Board Approval for Study
C. IRB Approval/Acceptance for 10 Non-UT Schools
D. Institutional Review Board Approval for Focus Groups
E. Flyers Used for Focus Group Recruitment
F. Informed Consent Form with Approval for Use of Audio-Taping Focus Group Sessions
G. Qualitative Analysis of Focus Group Sessions
H. Questions Approved for use During Focus Group Sessions
I. List of Expert Reviewers for Assessment of Validity
J. Institutional Review Board Approval for Revised Survey
K. Final Survey
L. Adult Research Subject – Information Form

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