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Determination of factors affecting brand in marketing

Determination of factors affecting brand in marketing
Table of Contents Figures
Chapter 1 : Introduction
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Research Background
1.3. ResearchMotives
1.4. Problemstatement
1.5. Research Ojective
1.6. Research methodology and design
1.7. Research Procedure
Chapter 2 : Literature review
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Brand
2.2.1. Brand Awareness
2.2.2. Brand image
2.3. Marketing efforts
2.3.1. Advertising 13
2.3.2. Distribution intensity
2.3.3. Store image
2.3.4. Price deals
2.4. Relationship between marketing effort and brand awareness and brand image
2.5. Conclusion
Chapter 3 : Methodology
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Research design
3.3. Item generation
3.3.1. Introduction
3.3.2. Operationalization of measures
3.4. Preliminary study
3.5. Main survey
3.5.1. Brand selection
3.5.2. Sampling
3.6. Conclusion
Chapter 4 : Research results
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Descriptions of sample
4.3. Scales assessment
4.3.1. Reliability testing
4.3.2. Exploratory factor analysis
4.4. Testing the research model and the hypotheses
4.4.1. Testing correlations between all constructs
4.4.2. Testing research model The relationship between marketing efforts and the brand awareness The relationship between marketing efforts and the brand image
4.5. Testing the effect of brand awareness and brand image on the year in college
4.6. Findings and conclusion
4.6.1. Findings
4.6.2. Conclusion
Chapter 5 : Conclusions and implications
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Conclusions of the study
5.2.1. Summary of all hypotheses
5.2.2. Conclusions of the study
5.3. Implications of the study
5.4. Limitations and recommendations for further research
List of References


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